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Frequently asked questions relating to childbirth and confinement at the Dritter Orden Clinic

Here you will find detailed information on childbirth and confinement.
  • When and how do I register for childbirth?
    Please register as early as possible by using the online form for registration. Our midwives will come back to you to let you know if your registration is confirmed and will be happy to provide you with further information. 

    ATTENTION: When sending emails to the provider, problems can occur from time to time. Therefore, please use an alternative e-mail address when registering for the birth.

    For individual birth preparation, you can also take part in courses at our parenting school, which we run in cooperation with the Haus der Familie.


  • Should I present at the Clinic before the birth?
    If your registration to give birth at Dritter Orden hospital has been confirmed, please arrange an appointment for a personal interview about 6-8 weeks before the due date. Please use our appointment booking system on the German website to make an appointment. You can find this in the menu under "Eigenständige Terminierung zur Hebammensprechstunde". The consultation takes place in the pediatric clinic, entrance via Franz-Schrank-Straße 8, E4 in the outpatient pregnancy clinic.
  • Can I visit the delivery room before giving birth?
    We offer a delivery room tour on Thursdays at 5.00 pm - if the occupancy situation in our delivery room allows it. If the tour can take place, a pop-up will appear on the German side on Thursdays from around 3.00 pm with the message “The delivery room tour is taking place today”. If the pop-up does not appear, the tour cannot take place. 
  • What do I have to bring with me to the Clinic?

    Next to personal items please have the following things with you: your pregnancy record, your European Health Insurance Card or a provisional confirmation from your health insurance (replacement certificate), pyjamas, bathrobe, personal laundry, bathing shoes, toilet bag, an outfit for the child, a few snacks – and patience.

  • Am I allowed to bring a companion along for the birth?

    The father-to-be or another person of confidence is welcome to accompany you.

  • Can I have my baby by water birth?

    In our Maternity Department we have three bathtubs available for a relaxation birth during labour and – depending on the mother-to-be – for the birth as well.

  • Do you also administer homoeopathic medicines?

    Our midwives are familiar with homoeopathy and use the most important remedies that can help during a birth, as and when required.

  • Will the baby be breastfed right after the birth?

    To give the mother and child as good a “breastfeeding start” as possible the newborn baby is breastfed right after birth. In the confinement period the young mother receives expert assistance in taking care of her child. There is an experienced team of paediatric nurses, nurses, midwives and doctors on hand for every question.