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TCE – Treatment Centre for Eating Disorders

Dr. Karin Lachenmeir

Phone: +49 89 358047-3
Fax: +49 89 358047-47

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TCE – Treatment Centre for Eating Disorders

Eating disorders among young people are rapidly on the increase, particularly among young girls, but among boys as well. In view of this worrying development, in 2006 the Klinikum Dritter Orden set up the Treatment Centre for Eating Disorders (TCE) and attached it to the Paediatric and Youth Medicine Clinic. This enables us to ensure that children, teenagers and young adults with eating disorders receive psychotherapy treatment from an experienced team of therapeutic specialists. The TCE team comprises female psychologists, women doctors, female nutritional therapists, female art therapists and nurses, as well as the social service and the secretaries’ office.

As most of the patients we treat at the TCE are girls and young women, for simplicity’s sake we use only the female form of speech on the following information pages. We hope that young men also feel equally addressed, as they are welcome here to the same extent.

For more information (in German) please visit us also at:

Contact and Consultation Hours

TCE – Treatment Centre for Eating Disorders


Klinikum Dritter Orden
TCE – Treatment Centre for Eating Disorders
Management Dr. Karin Lachenmeir

Lachnerstraße 41
80639 München

Phone: +49 89 358047-3
Fax: +49 89 358047-47

To arrange appointments for advice chats and advice over the telephone
Ms Drexler-Schaal, Social Service
Phone: +49 89 3580-4742

How to reach us
U1, Rotkreuzplatz stop